
Inspiring Change


The essence of the name, Lumination, stems from the fact that it takes a special type of person with a genuine passion for helping others to do social work, for example NGOs, Social Workers, Youth workers etc… For them, it’s not about commercial profit. Instead, it’s about creating value and inspiring change. These ‘Luminaries’ light the way for a better future for the recipients of their deeds.

The Lumination challenge was an initiative of The Council for Competitiveness and Innovation (CCI) and had been designed to encourage social innovation and experimentation by providing grant funding, to implement socially innovative ideas.

There are many socially innovative ideas, which may have the potential to positively impact many lives, but they never see the light of day because of the risks and limited access to funding. By entering the CCI’s Lumination challenge, entrants had the opportunity to receive grant funding, giving them the power to ‘create the change, that changes lives’ through socially innovative ideas. If their project was selected the individual would be granted access to up to $200,000TTD in grant funding to implement their idea and help those in need.

This was such an amazing initiative to work on! The creative gates were wide open with a ‘Lantern’ Art Installation, media event, roadshows, print, radio and online advertising and the Final Gala Award event. The theme of light and ‘illumination’ carried through to the end.

The Award certificates were packaged as flaming torches, which were symbolic of the CCI passing the torch onto these luminaries to go forth to ‘Create the Change, that changes Lives.’


The Council for Competitiveness and Innovation (CCI)


Senior Copywriter


